It must really suck to be wanted for questioning by the FBI:
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. missile strike in Somalia on Monday targeted a Kenyan suspected in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa, officials said Tuesday.
The Navy was going after Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan when it launched at least two Tomahawk missiles from a submarine off the coast of the East African nation, a Pentagon and FBI official said.
“Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan is on the FBI’s “seeking information list” and is wanted by the FBI for questioning in connection with the 2002 attacks at the Paradise Hotel and the unsuccessful surface-to-air missile attack against an Israeli airliner in Kenya,” FBI spokesman Richard Kolkosaid.
The list consists of subjects the FBI would like to talk to, while the Most Wanted Terrorist list is suspects who have been indicted.
I'm sorry, did I read that right? The FBI wanted to ask this guy some questions, so the Navy lobbed a couple missiles at him? I guess that's one way to relay the message -- if you survive. Perhaps when the FBI says "seeking information," the military hears "kill them a whole lot."
That's like if I'm bored on a Saturday night and I want to see what my friends are up to, so I spray their houses with automatic gunfire. Hey guys! Wanna hang out?
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