Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mitt Romney (p. noun): 1. Idiot

Sometimes a quote really speak for itself:

"It is as if (non-believers are) intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They're wrong."
-- Mitt Romney

With that in mind, consider:
sec·u·lar·ism /ˈsɛkyələˌrɪzəm/

1. Secular spirit or tendency, esp. a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship.
2. The view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element.
3. Religious skepticism or indifference.

So I ask: Can you have a religion that inherently rejects religion? I'm confused, Mitt. Please clarify.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post thanks