This may be blasphemy -- I don't know -- but of all the people on the planet to whom I want to feed a shit sandwich, the pope tops the list. Benedict XVI, a.k.a. Cardinal Ratfucker, is a virus of common sense; a defender of Catholic priest child molesters who are worth as much as the dog crap I stepped in earlier; and quite possibly clinically insane.
How do I know this?
Well, aside from the fact that he was promoted to ruler status by the Catholic church after failing miserably to control child-hungry priests, he also thinks that pharmacists should refuse to fill prescriptions that they find morally offensive.
Say the fuck what?
That's right. Apparently, it's their religious duty, or some stupid shit: (From The Associated Press)
Pope Benedict XVI said Monday that pharmacists have a right to use conscientious objection to avoid dispensing emergency contraception or euthanasia drugs — and told them they should also inform patients of the ethical implications of using such drugs.
Benedict told a gathering of Catholic pharmacists that conscientious objection was a right that must be recognized by the pharmaceutical profession.
"Pharmacists must seek to raise people's awareness so that all human beings are protected from conception to natural death, and so that medicines truly play a therapeutic role," Benedict said.
Benedict said conscientious objector status would "enable them not to collaborate directly or indirectly in supplying products that have clearly immoral purposes such as, for example, abortion or euthanasia."
Nice. Because I bet what a woman really wants to hear when seeking emergency contraception after, for instance, being raped, is some holier-than-thou Catholics preaching the virtues of fucking conscientious objection because they don't believe some stranger's sperm should be killed en route to her embryo. Sperm is a bunch of proteins with a little bit of DNA. If we start worrying about killing sperm, I can see the day when washing your hands or using sanitizer will be considered genocide. Is this some cosmic joke I'm not quite understanding?
And since when can you stroll over to your local Walgreen's and pick up a fucking prescription for euthanasia drugs? Is that ridiculous hat he wears constricting the blood flow to his brain? Jesus, this guy is like the patron saint for stupid. All hail Saint Retard.
Look, Ratfucker, let me outline something for you: If I have a moral problem with capping motherfuckers, I won't become a cop. If I have a few ethical issues about lying, I damn well won't run for president. And if I can't seem to muster the conviction to allow people the basic freedom to practice birth control, I won't become a pharmacist. Because it is simply insane to make a career out of something you find morally corrupt (although I think there may be a position in Idaho opening soon).
Also, you look like you were born in the 1800s. That's cool. But some things have changed. People are having sex. Often. I heard it's got something to do with hormones and boobs, I don't know. But the only shield we have from tripling the population in the next nine months is if people can make conscious decisions about when to have kids.
Didn't anybody send the fucking sex memo to the pope?