The soulless ghouls who lurk within the halls of conservative media have always been easily ignored, but it's hard to shrug and move on when their insane alarmist whining turns to outright lies.
Consider the three stooges of fear-based conservative ranting -- Rush "Jesus I'm Huge" Limbaugh, Sean "Please Lord Shave My Eyebrows" Hannity, and Michelle "It's Not Racist Cause I Sort Of Look Asian" Malkin -- who recently hit the airwaves raving about Obama's economic adviser Robert Reich. Reich, it seems, told Congress that stimulus money should create jobs that benefit a wide range of people, such as women and minorities, and not JUST white construction workers who dominate infrastructure jobs. The "just" is a key word here, as Reich was adding people to the list, not disqualifying. Here's what he said:
Now let me say something about infrastructure. It seems to me that infrastructure spending is a very important and good way of stimulating the economy. The challenge will be to do it quickly, to find projects that can be done that have ahigh social return that also can be done with the greatest speed possible.Enter the panic police, those serial killers of journalism. When Reich said MORE people should be eligible for stimulus-based jobs, apparently Malkin/Hannity/Limbaugh heard that FEWER (white) people should be eligible. Which makes sense, I guess, if you're a fucking idiot. Here's what Malkin said:
I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professions or to white male construction workers. I have nothing against white male construction workers. I'm just saying that there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. And therefore, in my remarks I have suggested to you, and I'm certainly happy to talk about it more, ways in which the money can be -- criteria can be set so that they money does go to others: the long term unemployed, minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals.
And just today -- I think this is very related, Megyn -- another video came out of Robert Reich, the economic adviser formerly from the Clinton administration and now from [President] Obama, talking about how the stimulus funds should not go to white male contractors. It's the same kind of mentality of bean counting, and, you know, it's the same old, same old. It's the same old Democrat mentality of treating people based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character or the content of their resumes. You know, not exactly the kind of legacy we thought Martin Luther King was supposed to leave.Hey Malkin, I'm just throwing this out there, but do you think it's wise to blatantly misquote a public figure when his statement is easily accessible and in pretty clear English? I'm just saying it might make you look like a real asshole in front of all those savvy Fox News viewers (hold for laughter). Now, watch how Limbaugh puts down his cheeseburger for eight seconds to add some healthy racism to Reich's statement:
LIMBAUGH: Talking about the money we're going to spend on the infrastructure plan. Roads, bridges, all that stuff. But he doesn't want it to go to white construction workers; he wants it to go to inexperienced minorities and single women. He's got nothing against white construction workers but, but, but, but the money needs to go to others. These people are crazy. They're just -- if I heard myself talk like this I would be so embarrassed.What was that about the liberal media again?